Main menu


The Control Panel of JEM.


To access this screen use: ComponentsJEM

The Control Panel offers the following direct link icons:


Takes you to the events list view. You can manage your event items from this screen. Here you may view a listing of all events. You can delete, edit or add events using this screen. You can also publish or unpublish events and manage users who have registered to it.

Add Event

Takes you directly to the Add Event screen, where you can add a new event.


Takes you to the venues list view. You can manage your venue items from this screen. Here you may view a listing of all venue. You can delete, edit or add venues using this screen. Also you can publish or unpublish venues.

Add Venue

Takes you directly to the Add Venue screen, where you can add a new venue.


Takes you to the categories list view. You can manage your category items from this screen. Here you may view a listing of all categories. You can delete, edit or add categories using this screen. Also you can publish or unpublish categories.

Add Category

Takes you directly to the Add Category screen, where you can add a new category.


Takes you to the groups list view. You can manage your groups from this screen. You can delete, edit or add groups using this screen. Create a group when you want to restrict the possibility to submit events to a category only for selected members.

Add Group

Takes you directly to the Add Group screen, where you can add a new group.

Manage Plugins

Takes you to the plugins screen. JEM plugins are handled as standard Joomla plugins, so clicking this ico will take you to the Joomla plugins screen where you will see all currently installed JEM plugins. When you have installed the JEM package, the following plugins have also been installed:

Remember that in order to use the plugins they need to be published!


This is the heart of the JEM component. Here you have to decide which features you want to offer and how JEM should behave.


This screen offers a set of tools to keep your database clean from unused data and images, and to trigger the Autoarchive function.

Load sampledata

Clicking this Icon installs the sample date distributed with the JEM package. This set of sample data can only be installed as long as no other data (e.g. venues, events, categoeries, groups) has been entered in the database!

Update check

With this button JEM automatically checks if you are using the most recent version of JEM.

Import Data

Here you can import data into JEM tables.

Export Data

Here you can export data from JEM tables in CSV (Comma Separated Values) format.

CSS Manager

Here you can modify the CSS files of the various views of JEM directly in the backend. Clinking a link on the right will take you to the edit screen.


Opens the Help pages for JEM.

Toolbar Icons

Options: Opens the Joomla Permissions screen for the JEM component. For more info about Permissions, please refer to the ACL section of the Introduction Screen of these Help files.

Help: Opens this Help screen.

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