Welcome to the stable version of JEM 2.1 for Joomla 2.5 and 3.5.
This software is a fork of Eventlist, one of the most popular non-commercial Event Management components for Joomla.
This first public release of JEM combines the functionality of Eventlist 1.0.1, 1.0.2 and 1.1,
together with many code improvements and tweaks and hacks that have been contributed by the community over the last years.
With JEM 2.1 you get a version supporting both Joomla 2.5 (2.5.24 or newer) and Joomla 3.5 (3.3.3 or newer).
Also Joomla 3.2.7 or newer is supported for sites where Joomla 3.3+ can't be used caused by an old PHP version.
The main difference between JEM 2.0 and 2.1 series is additional support for Joomla 3.
So you can simply update from JEM 2.0.x to 2.1.x. We suggest to do so before upgrading to Joomla 3.x.
Please note that since JEM 2.1.6 we also will support PHP 7. If you plan to run PHP 7 you need Joomla 3.5 but also you
should check ALL extensions installed for compatibility.
Together with the JEM component, the following modules and plugins have been installed by the JEM package:
As separate install files you could additionally download and install:
If you want to use any of these modules and plugins, please do not forget to publish them in the module manager and the plugin manager.
We hope you like this new version of JEM for Joomla 2.5 and 3.5!
The JEM Development Team, May 2016
Read this introduction carefully! If you still have questions click on the Help button and read the screens. If you need additional help and information have a look at the "Get Help" screen on top of the Help center.
JEM is an Event Management Component for Joomla. It's not a calendar but an easy way to manage and present your events for your group, company or community. JEM offers a lot of features and possibilities which make your work easier, like the Venue database, Event recurrence, Venue geotagging and much more. But also for your site visitors JEM has some additional features to offer, like a simple registration system, map service links, or the submission/edit of events and venues from the site Frontend.
After the successful installation of JEM you need to take at least 3 steps.
The first step is to configure the settings you need in the JEM configuration. Set the format of the date and
time, enable image thumbnail creation and set the layout of the table columns.
Optionally you can integrate the community builder enhanced
user profile component in the settings.
Most of the settings are self explanatory. If not, move your mouse pointer
over the text to get more detailed information or click on the help icon in the toolbar.
The second step is to create the categories. Every event you create must be assigned to a category. For example, if you have a music site you could use Rock, Rap, Dance, Electronic, etc. For each category you can set access permission levels. All events assigned to this category will only be visible for the group you have given access to.
The third step is to create the menu item(s) in the Joomla! menu manager. JEM offers many different menu views:
If you have taken these steps you are ready to input your events. If you want to assign your events to venues you first have to create the venue information.
Some special attention is required for ACL. If you want to use it, you need to know that Joomla ACL is partially integrated in version 2.x of JEM. At this moment ACL works on Categories and Events, not yet on Venues.
Viewing rights are set in Joomla under: Users → Access Levels → Viewing Access Levels
Edit rights are set in JEM under: Control Panel → Options (icon) → Permissions
Here you can set global permissions per user group. So for example if you only want publisher to create/edit stuff you can: Now you can create a menu-link to submit-event and set access to publisher. But when viewing the eventslist the
user will see the submitbutton and when viewing an event he can edit it.
Be aware that someone with the access/edit rights will see all the categories!
Further restricted access is organised via JEM Groups. Here you can specify an unlimited number of groups that contain users.
If a group is assigned to a Category also the specified users in the group have write access to that category.
With this you could allow registered users not havong general author permission to create events in a specific category.
In Events there are 2 ACL settings: The first one is an indirect one. Via the category (or categories) to which an event belongs, edit access can be restricted to the users in the JEM group that is linked to the Category. Also the read access level of cateories is respected. The second ACL setting is the read access. This is derived from the category/ies access level but can also be set using Access field of the event. Please note that a user needs view access level of event AND one of the categories event is assigned to to see and edit event. Edit permission is not enough.
Please note that general permissions for Joomla default groups like Author, Editor, Publisher will automatically give those users such permissions on JEM items too. If you need to give users different permissions for e.g. events or articles you should create new user groups and give permissions for the relevant component, e.g. different groups Event Authors and Article Authors. Denying permissions may give surprising results and is not recommended.
If you like JEM and find it useful, please consider a donation to cover for the hosting expenses of the community.