With this button JEM automatically checks if you are using the most recent version of JEM.
Regularly check for updates! Updating keeps your site secure and mostly provides new useful functionality to you. If you don't visit the home of JEM, Joomlaeventmanager.net, from time to time you should click the button "Updatecheck" to see if a new version of JEM is available.
To access this screen use: Components → JEM → Update Check
Back: Takes you back to the JEM Mainmenu.
Help: Clicking the Help icon opens a related help screen.
After the the update check the system will display if you are using the latest version of JEM or not, along with some other useful information:
Latest version: The latest released version of JEM
Release Date: The date the latest version was released
Changes: The most important changes in this release compared to the previous release.
Information: Click and follow the link to view more information.
Files Click and follow the link to download the files of the latest release.
Notes: The version of the update.
Installed Version The currently installed version.