This is the heart of the JEM component. Here you have to decide which features you want to offer and how JEM
should behave. The Settings are separated in 4 different types. Select one of them to go directly to the
regarding explanation.
To access this screen use: Components → JEM → Settings
Apply: Click the 'Apply' icon to save your changes and return to this screen.
Save: Click the 'Save' icon to save your changes and leave the screen.
Cancel: Click the 'Cancel' icon to leave the screen without saving any changes.
Help: Click the Help icon to access a relevant Help Screen.
Show Link to Event Page:
Select if you wish to link to the detail page through the
title of the event. Link on title only works if the title is displayed
in the layout settings.
Format Date (short):
Use the php date syntax to format the date in short form. This is the format used for event list views.
For example the following code 'd.m.Y' shows '25.05.2016'. More Information
php date manual.
Keep in mind, that not all parameters might be available on your server.
Format Date:
Use the php date syntax to format the date. This is the format used for event detail views.
For example the following code 'D, d.m.Y' shows 'Wed, 25.05.2016'. More Information
php date manual.
Keep in mind, that not all parameters might be available on your server.
Format Time:
Use the php strftime syntax to format the time. For example
the following code '%H.%M' shows '16.00'. More Information php strftime manual.
Time Suffix:
Fill in "h" or "Uhr" for example. This will be displayed behind the
time on the frontend. Leave blank if you don't need it.
Format Hour:
Use the php strftime syntax to format the hour, used in Event Edit views. For example
the following code '%H' shows '16'. More Information php strftime manual.
Store IP:
In some countries it isn't permitted to store the IP address of your visitors. You can disable it here.
Handle Old Events:
Select one of the three options. 'Delete old Events' will delete
all Events after the number of days entered in in the box below. If
you select 'Archive old Events' the Events will get the 'Archived' status after the
number of days given in the next settings field.
Please note that JEM triggers this cleanup action once a
day after midnight server time and only if a JEM view got a visitor in the Frontend. If you want to make sure
that the cleanup happens, create a cronjob pointing to a JEM component view.
Number of Days:
Just to specify when an event is "old".
Max. Image Filesize:
Enter the maximum size in kb for the image file.
Max. Height of Thumbnails:
Type in the maximum height of the image. This value is also used on the Frontend.
Max. Width of Thumbnails:
Type in the maximum width of the image. This value is also used on the Frontend.
Enable Thumbnails:
JEM can create thumbnails if the GD library version 2 is
installed on your server. If it isn't available this feature will be disabled.
In this case the above entered values for hight and width will be used to resize the
images if they are larger than these values. Keep in mind that this method results
in a much lower quality than using the GD library. Also the file size of the images aren't reduced.
Lightbox Effect:
Enable a nice lightbox effect to enlarge images from thumbnail to maximum size.
If you define an image width of more than the width of 20% of the content area, you have to modify the jem.css accordingly.
Edit Keywords:
Select in the box multiple keywords.
Edit Description:
In the textbox you can create your own custom meta description. Use the suggest button for a hint.
The description is created in the Event edit screen and within the Event submission process from the Frontend
Don't use inverted commas or quotation marks in the description, because this will cause HTML errors
Display Event Description:
Choose if you want to display the description on the event details page.
Display Event Title:
Choose if you want to display the title of the event on the event details page
Show Author:
Choose if you want to show the name of the author on the event details page
Link Author:
If set you Yes, the name of the event's author will be linked to it's contact page.
You must create a contact linked to the author's user record for this setting to work.
Show Contact:
Choose if you want to show the contact information on the detailspage
Link Contact:
If set you Yes, the name of the contact person will be linked to it's contact page.
You must create a contact user record for this setting to work.
Show Hits:
Choose if you want to show the number of page-hits on the event details page
Show Print Icon:
If set to Yes, there will be a Print Icon on the event details page
Show Email Icon:
If set to Yes, there will be an Email Icon on the event details page
Show iCal:
If set to Yes, there will be an iCal Icon on the event details page
Show "Read More":
If set to Show, the Read More link will be shown
Show Introtext:
If set to Show, the event Introtext will be shown.
If set to Hide, only the part of the event description after the "Read More" break will show.
The Venues settings in this area affect the Event detail view. Other Venues settings under "Global Parameters" tab affect the Venue detail view.
Display Venue Description:
Choose if you want to display the description of the venue.
Display Venue Address:
Choose if you want to display the address of the venue.
Show Weblink to Venue:
Choose between No Link, a link to the url of the venue (if entered) and a link to the venue view.
Choose Map Service:
Choose between the following options:
Show Attendee Names to:
Select who is allowed to see the names of all attendees.
Select Community Solution:
Currently only Community Builder is supported. Further settings should be made in the plugin.
Table Width in %:
Type in the maximum width in percent for the entire table layout on the Frontend.
Please keep in mind that the columns below total up to 100% all together.
Date Column Width in %:
Type in the width of teh date column.
Time in Date Column:
Show the time on the Frontend view or not.
Layout of Date Column:
Choose Single line to get: "startdate, starttime - enddate, endtime" without hard line break.
Choose Two lines for "startdate - enddate" in first line and "starttime - endtime" in second line.
If "Show time in date column" is set to No/Hide the only difference is the second, empty line on Two lines layout.
So you should show time values for best results.
City Column:
Choose if you want to show the City column. If yes, type in the
width of the column. The column title will be displayed
at the head of the column.
Attendee Column:
Choose if you want to show the Attendee column. If yes, type in the
width of the column. The column title will be displayed
at the head of the column.
Title Column:
Choose if you want to show the Title column. If yes, type in the
width of the column. The column title will be displayed
at the head of the column.
Venue Column:
Choose if you want to show the Venue column. If yes, type in the
width of the column. The column title will be displayed
at the head of the column.
Additionally, you can choose if the Venue name should be a link to the venue detail view.
State Column:
Choose if you want to show the State column. If yes, type in the
width of the column. The column title will be displayed
at the head of the column.
Category Column:
Choose if you want to show the Category column. If yes, type in the
width of the column. The column title will be displayed
at the head of the column.
Additionally, you can choose if the name of the Caregory should be a link to the Category view.
Event Image Column:
Choose if you want to show the Event image in the list view in the Frontend.
If yes, type in the width of the column. The column title will be displayed
at the head of the column.<
Choose if you want to use custom stylesheets for various parts of JEM. You can set if you are using a custom stylesheet for:
For each part of JEM enter the location of the css as full path without hostname.
If the file is accessable as "" type in here "/media/my/css/mystyle.css".
Choose a custom Background Color for various parts of JEM.
Choose a custom Border Color for various parts of JEM.
Choose a custom Font Color for various parts of JEM.
The Global Parameters are used to assign basic settings to the views. These parameters can be changed for each view when creating a new menu item.
Show Filter:
Choose if you want to show the Filter options on top of the list views.
Show Limitbox:
Choose if you want to show the Select dropdown on top of the list views.
Show Icons:
Choose if you want to show the Print / Email / Archive icons
in events list and event layout. en top of the list views.
Show Print-Icon:
Choose if you want to show a Print icon in events list and event layout.
Show Archive-Icon:
Choose if you want to show an Archive icon in events list and event layout.
Show Email-Icon:
Choose if you want to show an Email icon in events list and event layout.
Show iCal-Icon:
Choose if you want to show an ICS export button in events list and event layout.
Show Time:
Choose if you want to show time with events.
Display User Name:
Choose if the name or the username should be displayed for the event creator and the attendees.
Enable Highlighter:
When enabled the search results will be highlighted (backend only) with the original search phrase.
Default Menu Itemid:
Specify the ID of the menu item (mostly to a Simplelist view) JEM should use for links to e.g. events
in case no menu item can be found automatically.
Google API-Key:
When you want to display a Google Maps based on the Google API3 key, enter your API key here.
Please note that for just displaying an event map, an API key is not mandatory, but if you want to use the
geotagging function in the venue edit screen, a Google APUI key is required
Google ClientID:
If you have a Google Client ID you can fill it in here. (Optional, only for businesses)
Cleanup DB on Uninstall:
Here you can choose if or not all JEM tables but also JEM related menu items
should be removed from database if you uninstall JEM.
Be warned: If set to Yes and you uninstall JEM all data like events, venues, or atteendances get lost!
Owned Venues:
Choose if Frontend editors can only choose from the venues they own in the select list.
Max. # Custom Fields:
Choose the maximum number of Custom Fields that are allowed when entering / editing an Event.
Please note this only takes effect in the Frontend.
Max ICS Events:
Enter the maximum number of events you want to export when making an ICS export.
Default List Limit:
Choose the number of events to display on the Frontend views.
Show Category Images:
Choose if you want to show the Category images in the Frontend.
Generate Events up to (days):
Enter the maximum amount of days that JEM should auto-create recurring events in the future.
This is called the 'anticipation window'.
This setting has effect when you create recurring events. If the enddate you choose for a specific
recurring event (the 'By the end of' date) will exceed the anticipation set here, the number of recurring events that JEM
creates will be limited by this setting.
You set the 'By the end of' date in the Repeating Events section of the Event edit screen,
or when submitting an event from the Frontend.
Timezone Handling:
You can select how the dates will be exported. If you chose 'float', when imported,
all dates will appear as being in the same timezone as the user
(e.g: if the event is at 2pm in the US, and the user is in France,
it will appear as being held at 2pm in France too).
If you use 'Joomla' timezone, the dates will be associated to the timezone
set in Joomla configuration.
First Day of Week:
Choose if Sunday or Monday is the first day of the week.
This setting has an impact on the Calendar display.
Attachment Folder Path:
You can specify the path of the attachments here.
Default is media/com_jem/attachments
Allowed Files:
You can specify the attachment file extensions that are allowed to be uploaded.
Max Filesize:
Specify the maximum size of Attachments and Event Images in kb. (1 mb is 1000 kb)
Default Country:
You can set a default country for venues in this field.
When entering a new venue the country is then set to the default chosen here, to save handling.
CSV Separator:
Choose if comma or semicolon should be used as separator on CSV Exports (e.g. attendee lists).
The Venues settings in this area affect the Venue detail view. Other Venues settings under "Event Page" tab affect the Event detail view.
Display Venue Description:
Choose if you want to display the description of the venue.
Display Venue Address:
Choose if you want to display the address of the venue.
Show Weblink to Venue:
Choose between No Link, a link to the url of the venue (if entered) and a link to the venue view.
Choose Map Service:
Choose between the following options:
Max. # Custom Fields:
Choose the maximum number of Custom Fields that are allowed when entering / editing a Venue.
Please note this only takes effect in the Frontend.
Max Length of Descriptions:
Max. length of the Event- and Venue description. If the length
of the description is too long, the description will be stripped
and the note [stripped] will be added.
Image Uploads:
Select if Image uploads for frontend submissions are optional, required or forbidden.
Attachement Uploads:
Select if Attachment uploads for frontend submissions are enabled or forbidden.
Create Events:
Select here the required Access Level to submit new Events from the Frontend.
Select here the required Access Level for Users when Events should
be immediately published. Otherwise they have to be published in
the backend after reviewing manually.
Edit ALL Events:
Allow users to edit **ANY** event on the Frontend.
Edit Own Events:
Allow user to edit his submitted events even if he hasn't
the required access level for editing events.
Allow Event Registration:
Select here to always allow registration, always forbid registration,
or allow event creator to decide if (s)he needs registration for the specific event.
Allow Invitation:
If set to 'Yes' event creators are allowed to invite users and also to limit permission to register to them.
Attention: This will provide a list of all site users available to all potential event creators!
Allow Comments:
Select if Frontend users are allowed to write an additional comment when they register for an event.
Create Venues:
Select the required Access Level to submit new Venues from the Frontend.
Select here the required Access Level for Users when Venues should
be immediately published. Otherwise they have to be published in
the backend after reviewing manually.
Edit ALL Venues:
Allow users to edit **ANY** venue from the Frontend, even if (s)he does not have the write permissions
required for editing venues.
Edit Own Venues:
Allow user to edit his submitted venues even if even if (s)he does not have the write permissions
required for editing venues.
The Configinfo schreen displays a summary of all JEM and JEM-related configuaration information.