Here you can import data into JEM tables.
First make an export of the desired table in JEM (using the 'Export Data' function in the Main menu). Then use this table layout as a reference by opening the exported CSV in a spreadsheet program.
To access this screen use: Components → JEM → Import Data
Back: Takes you back to the JEM Main menu.
Help: Clicking the Help icon opens a related help screen.
Eventlist-Import: The JEM Component will self-discover which version of Eventlist (1.0.1, 1.0.2 or 1.1) is installed on your system.
CSV-Import: Choose this tab, to import CSV files.
The order in which you import data in JEM is relevant for its correct working. Advised and tested is: First Venues, then Categories, then Events and then last Cat_Events.
Choose CSV file: Click the file button to choose a local file to import.
Replace if ID exists (otherwise create): Choose yes if you want to overwrite events with already existing IDs want. When no, every event is recreated with a new ID.
Import Events: With this button you can import Events from a CSV-formatted file. Please make sure you have prepared the file according the JEM file format (see info under 'Export Data').
Import Categories: With this button you can import Categories from a CSV-formatted file. Please make sure you have prepared the file according the JEM file format (see info under 'Export Data').
Import Venues: With this button you can import Venues from a CSV-formatted file. Please make sure you have prepared the file according the JEM file format (see info under 'Export Data').
Import Cat_Events: With this button you can import Cat_Events from a CSV-formatted file. Please make sure you have prepared the file according the JEM file format (see info under 'Export Data').