

This screen offers a set of tools to keep your database clean from unused data and images, and to trigger the Autoarchive function.


Remove unnecessary images regularly.


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Cleanup Event Image: Here you can clean up the images in your database with a simple click of the icon. This action extracts all used images from the database and then compares the result with all available images. Images which are not used are deleted immediately. Note that this feature should be used only if the JEM images are not used elsewhere (such as content items in other articles). If you are using your JEM images in other areas, you can also use the Joomla! Media Manager or the JEM image selection to selectively delete individual images.

Cleanup Category Images: Here you can clean up unused Category images in your database with a simple click of the icon. This action extracts all used images from the database and then compares the result with all available images. Images which are not used are deleted immediately. Note that this feature should be used only if the JEM images are not used elsewhere (such as content items in other articles). If you are using your JEM images in other areas, you can also use the Joomla! Media Manager or the JEM image selection to selectively delete individual images.

Delete Zombie Cat/Event references: Deletes all useless (zombie) Category-Event References: Deletes all relations from Events to Categories that do not exits in the Category table anymore. These references are useless because they do not refer to an existing Category. Also zombie relations from Categories to Events that do not exist anymore are deleted.

Cleanup Venue Images: Here you can clean up the unused Venue images in your database with a simple click of the icon. This action extracts all used images from the database and then compares the result with all available images. Images which are not used are deleted immediately. Note that this feature should be used only if the JEM images are not used elsewhere (such as content items in other articles). If you are using your JEM images in other areas, you can also use the Joomla! Media Manager or the JEM image selection to selectively delete individual images.

Trigger Autoarchive: Normally the Auto-archive function is triggered when the date changes to a new day and a Frontend visitor visits a JEM view.
The Auto-archive function performs 2 actions:
1. The past events are archived or deleted, according what rule is set in Settings → Basis Settings → Event handling. 2. The recurring events are auto-created if a new instance of the recurring event fits in the 'anticipation window' and the 'By the end of' date in the event has not yet expired. JEM calculates if it needs to auto-create a new event by first looking at the Settings → Global Parameters → Advanced Parameters: Generate events up to (days). The number of days here is the default 'anticipation window': The amount of days JEM looks ahead for creating new recurring events automatically.
As a second step, JEM looks if a 'By the end of' date is set in the event (under 'Repeating Events'). If this end date is before the anticipation window, less events will be created. If it is after the anticipation window, the anticipation window is leading. You can perform these 2 actions here by hitting the 'Trigger Autoarchive" button.

Delete all JEM data: Deletes all JEM data in the Database, including events, venues, categories etc. You can use this feature for instance when you have installed the sample data at installation to test JEM before using it, or when you have entered your own data to get acquainted to the system first, before actually using it.

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