Edit Attendee


Manage the registered users from this screen. Here you can select another user as an Attendee to the Event you are currently editing. Additionally you must also choose a Status (Invited, Attending, Not Attending, On Waiting List). Optionally you can give a Comment, and decide if an email about this edit should be sent or not. If you choose to send an email, make sure the Mailer plugin is enabled and configured.

Please note that changing selected user means: You unregister the previously selected user and register the newly selected user as attendee of the event.

To add multiple users ensure to use Save & New or Save as Copy instead of Save or Save & Close.

Select another user by clicking the Select User text to the right of the User field.


To access this screen use: ComponentsJEMEventsUser count numberUser

Toolbar Icons

Save: Saves the currently selected user without closing this Edit screen.

Save & Close: Saves the currently selected user, closes this Edit screen and returns to the Registered Users screen.

Save & New: Saves the currently selected user and opens a new empty Edit screen.

Save as Copy: Saves the currently selected user as a new attendee without closing this Edit screen.

Close: Cancels this operation, closes this Edit screen and returns to the Registered Users screen.

Help: Opens this Help screen.

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